Thursday, July 11, 2013

Celebrating Relationships and Healthy Food

This is my favorite time of year!  At the tip of summer with the melding of the last of spring veggies to savor and the oncoming of the bounty of luscious, sun-filled summer fruits and veggies.

Yes, those are insect holes.  We don't use chemical insecticides so sometimes we end up sharing our produce!
Yes, those are insect holes.  We don't use chemical insecticides so sometimes we end up sharing our produce! 

It's as if the earth has been planning a great food festival all year and we are all invited!  Here at Farmer Frog we are all about food--the growing, the harvesting, and the EATING!  Food--good, healthy, sustainably-grown food--is literally our middle name.  If those of us who are actively involved in FF have anything in common it is that we love to eat great food.
Luscious and ready, ripening on the vine

As evidence, we all are involved in a variety of other groups and activities around food and growing things, such as Chris Hudyma, board member and Director, Organizational Development,  Employee Training & Community Events, Edmonds Community College.  Among other things she has a great Facebook page for all you FB fans and foodies to check out: 
As Chris dubs it, the page is "Celebrating our relationships to wholesome food."

And speaking of Facebook, if you haven't already, check out our Farmer Frog page and  "like" us!  And share your ideas for other resources for food and gardening.

Happy Eating!