Saturday, October 6, 2012

Farmer Frog is Evolving!

Even though he might not have actually said it, Darwin is oft quoted as having observed, "It is not the strongest, nor the most intelligent that survives but rather the one most adaptable to change."  Farmers and Frogs are in that last category.  They have to learn to function within their environment.  And so too do small non-profits with big dreams!

To wit...Farmer Frog is evolving.  There are all kinds of new things happening here!  First, note that we have a new logo, designed by our own Zsofia Pasztor and tweaked by our board members.  We're excited about the new one that seems to embody what we're about: fresh, organic, locally-grown food that is accessible to all and totally user friendly.  Of course, our muse, the Frog, is ever present.  He/she represents a healthy environment for both humans and wildlife.

Second, after much research and conversation, Farmer Frog is applying to work with Growing Power.

Growing Power ( was founded by Will Allen in Milwaukee Wisconsin. He had built his organization through trial and error and created a system that is now internationally recognized and modeled. It is looked at as an example of not only an intense urban farming project, but a community forming and sustainable development model capable to revitalize and unite people and cities anywhere in the world.  Our goal is to become the Pacific Northwest ROTC (Regional Operations Training Center) for Growing Power. We've also added to our numbers by recruiting board members, volunteers and friends.  

In the coming months we'll keep you posted on our progress.  We encourage you to participate in any way you feel led: subscribe to our blog, like our Facebook page, become a donor or a volunteer or a cheerleader!  You can contact us for more information at

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